Social Emotional and Physical Requirements of the Early Learner thru Observational Research


David A Stubbs II, Researcher, Designer, Innovator, Author, Lecturer and Facilitator and President of Cultural Shift, Inc. dba David Stubbs Design

We are constantly evolving in our work as we correlate what we have learned from our observations to the physical environment. In this session, the speaker will discuss ongoing observational research as well as discoveries specifically focusing on our social emotional and physical requirements as we organize, communicate and collaborate. David will deliver his lessons learned from his work, including several traps to avoid while creating educational environments that not only satisfy today’s requirements but are also embedded with potential.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand that successful change may sometimes require discomfort or disruption.
  2. Understand that we cannot always lean in historic structures if we are to truly sustain change in evolving educational environments.
  3. Begin to realize our physical requirements are actually shrinking as we support effective and evolving teaching strategies.
  4. Become informed about social distances and physical requirements within learning environments requiring effective core values such as collaboration and communication.